Walls Tumbling Down: Testimony #32


My best guess is that James is no more than 20 -- probably the youngest in the group -- the youngest as well; spiritually speaking. Last Tuesday morning during the Knowing Jesus gathering in the men's dorm, James apologized to the group.  Apparently, the day before he had an "eruption" in which he spoke things he now regretted.  He stood up in the midst of the gathering and looking around to all the men, took ownership of his spiritual failure, and asked for their forgiveness.  

This was the second time in a few weeks that someone from this group practiced biblical confession.  Both times forgiveness was freely given and the Holy Spirit's presence became more notable.  These same men are now sharing testimonies of new bonds of love not only between one another in the dorm, but bridging into the worst of the dorms and even crossing the boundary between inmate and guard.  God is the God of the miraculous.  Please keep praying for Jesus's lordship to increasingly manifest in the prisons.

Thank you for being a believing part of God's reviving work behind the wire.

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