Matt's Contagion

Testimony #17

Matt (the same Matt from testimony #7) shared an amazing testimony in the midst of one of our large gatherings.  I wish I could relate it to you, but to tell you the truth, it was such a supernatural event that words will not communicate. But here we go.

We were discussing Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians (Chapter 1, verse 15 and forward).  Matt was so excited over the written word being made alive in that moment that he vibrated with joy as he spoke about how we were connected with Paul through the Holy Spirit  since we were receiving the answer to that prayer right now in our gathering.

If a skeptic had seen him in this near frenzy of joy as he spoke — certainly one of two things would have happened.  Either he would have written Matt off as a serious mental case or his heart would have been pierced with the love of God that flowed out like a fountain.

When I look at young, short, Matt — covered in tattoos — what I see is the power of Jesus’s resurrection manifesting as liquid love.

God provides these testimonies. Please feel free to forward these to  your friends.

The generous friends of Mark 4 provide the means for my being a part of His changing men’s hearts and transforming prisons.  

Think of it as spiritual prison reform through ministering to both believing and unbelieving inmates.  

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