Peter's Mother
Testimony #16
I got a call today from Peter. He was released almost a year ago and went directly to a hospital in New England to be with his ailing mother of 87 years. He shared with me how God had worked for his mother.
He spent the last three months of her life by her side, sharing how his recovery and his faith in Christ had not only gotten him through the trials of incarceration - God had transformed him into a new man. Peter’s hope was to be a blessing to the mother whose heart he had broken in the past.
Toward the end of the three months, his mother was sent home from the hospital with hospice care along with that which Peter provided for her.
Just before leaving the hospital, Peter urged her to ask Jesus to save her. What happened next was a wonderful surprise. This woman who could barely make a whisper called out in a loud and clear voice, “Jesus, please save me!”. Then while Peter watched in amazement, she cried out a second time, “Jesus, please save me!”
The next day she was sent home. A day or two later, while administering her usual medications, Peter’s heart broke watching his mother suffering in pain. He went outside and prayed, “O Lord, if it is your will, please take my mother to yourself and end her suffering. Your will be done.”
He went back inside and noticed that something was different. He listened and could not hear the labored rasp of his mother’s breathing. She had died while he prayed.
He told me this over the phone and I could hear the awe and joy in his voice. Before hanging up he asked me to send him the materials I used for the recovery classes he had attended while on the inside. It turns out that Peter has an opportunity to present the same classes to the inmates in the local county jail. Yes, God has transformed Peter into a new man and is glorifying Jesus through him.
God provides these testimonies. Please feel free to forward these to your friends.
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